I love this post as a permission slip to try and see what happens, no matter the outcome. Something I've realised I'd that when I do step out if my comfort zone and do something brave, is that the outcome is often so different than how I thought it would be. As in I've planned what I think will happen and I forget that I can't control everything! The outcome is often better than I could have imagined, with lots of surprises along the way.

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I agree! It really is often better than what we hoped for!

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Yes! Something that I try to remind myself of when the fear threatens to stop me in my tracks.

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This reminds me of something a friend used to say when she was dreaming... ‘this, or something better’... because often the thing we think we want is not as expansive of what is waiting for us!!! I feel inspired by all this conversation! Zz

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This or something better .. YES!

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I love this Lauren, what a great reminder to trust in ourselves too, to trust that we are on the right path ❤️

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Yes you're so right there Jenna! Sometimes we have to let go of what we think will happen to allow for something even bigger and more expansive. I love that you see it as a permission slip!!! And would also LOVE to hear what you'll use it for x

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Yes! Letting go of that control, or percieved control I guess, can feel scary but that's how we can leave room for the unexpected to happen. I think for me, I'll use this as a permission slip to follow what me intuition is telling me about the next steps in my business - it's likely to look different than how I carefully planned out, but I'm trusting that that is a good thing and it will lead me to that bigger, more expansive place ❤️

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Over the last few days I’ve noticed a quiet longing to revisit a particular writing project with more commitment and determination. I think this was the final, very gentle, nudge 💫

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Oh I'm so happy this gave you the final, gentle nudge to revisit your project. I think it did the same for me as I was writing it. I'd been sitting on my book for a while and now it's time ✨

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This is a theme that’s been so true for me too. So many failed attempts that weren’t failures at all because I had given up, believing I didn’t have what it takes to see it through, scared of failure so I stopped it before I could fail. This place has been a haven for my writing and it seems for many others too. Thank you for sharing such vulnerable insights from your life and here’s to all of us going after the thing that sings to our heart and quieting the fear that gnaws at us, clawing it’s way back in but we won’t let it.

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Oh I love the conversations this piece is starting. Thank you for reading Haley! Can so relate to stopping a project before even giving it the chance to fail .. I've been there many times too. I'd love to know if it sparked or ignited a fire to start something you've been waiting to do for a while?

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Always a good reminder to just do the thing, that nothing is as bad as not trying. Thank you!

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Yes so well out Paige! Thank you for reading!!

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Oh I have landed on this just when needed... I’ve been toying with a couple of ideas in my heart work but have not fully given myself permission to receive them... but I’m going to take the brave steps and give it a whirl because as you say... I would be way more disappointed if I didn’t try! Thank you. Xxxxx

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Ohhh this makes me so happy! I'm glad it arrived for you at the right time beautiful xxxx I would LOVE to hear about what heart work it is you've been holding back on? For me it was my book. I couldn't fully let it land up until this week and god it feels so good and expansive now! Also you would love the story on how it landed haha

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It is never just one thing... ha... but the main one on my heart, that was in my mind when I was reading your piece, was I have been toying with whether to create a paid offering here in Substack... I still feel like I need to offer MORE but I also know that my words are needed, and I know that with a little extra energy I could bring even more nourishment to the Well! But there is a little voice that says... not yet... !!! xxx

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